Fairytale treat for Easter

An Easter treat for children and adults alike is a new exhibition of prints in The House Of Fairytales at Chichester’s Pallant House Gallery (until June 19).

“Displayed as a trail throughout the Queen-Anne townhouse, and inspired by Fairytales, Folktales, Myths And Legends, this enchanting exhibition provides a rare opportunity in this day and age for children to be imaginative and creative, and to perhaps be inspired to draw or write a fairytale of their own this Easter”, said a Gallery spokeswoman.

“For print lovers, A Passion For Prints: Ten Years Of The Golder-Thompson Gift (until June 19) is sure to please. This exhibition of contemporary prints features an extensive range of works acquired since 2001 as part of a remarkable gift presented to Pallant House Gallery by Mark Golder and Brian Thompson. Visitors will get a unique overview of recent developments in printmaking across the UK and Ireland with particular attention paid to Scottish printmakers.”