Parents rave to Ofsted about '˜brilliant' school

Headteacher Rachel Nunns and some of the Castlewood Primary childrenHeadteacher Rachel Nunns and some of the Castlewood Primary children
Headteacher Rachel Nunns and some of the Castlewood Primary children
Parents heaped praise on their children's school when it underwent its first Ofsted inspection in more than four years.

Castlewood Primary, in Castlewood Road, Southwater, was last inspected in March 2013, when it was rated ‘good’. A visit from inspector Bruce Waelend at the end of September saw the school maintain that rating – while one parent told him Castlewood was “brilliant”.

In his report, which was published on November 6, Mr Waelend praised the work of headteacher Rachel Nunns to improve pupil behaviour, eradicate weak teaching and improve the outcomes for the children.

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Mrs Nunns joined Castlewood in January “during a period of some turbulence and disruption in staffing”, and made an immediate impact on the school community.

Her work did not go unnoticed by the parents, with one quoted as saying: “Mrs Nunns has made a fantastic difference to the school – it was always a good school but we now consider it a brilliant school.”