Arundel talk unites effort to shore up flood defences

Left to right, Arundel town crier Angela Standing with Anne Harriet, deputy mayor of Arundel, Nick Herbert MP, Ruth Webb, Mike De Lara and Kevin Brook SUS-140923-141331001Left to right, Arundel town crier Angela Standing with Anne Harriet, deputy mayor of Arundel, Nick Herbert MP, Ruth Webb, Mike De Lara and Kevin Brook SUS-140923-141331001
Left to right, Arundel town crier Angela Standing with Anne Harriet, deputy mayor of Arundel, Nick Herbert MP, Ruth Webb, Mike De Lara and Kevin Brook SUS-140923-141331001
RESIDENTS and councillors have joined with Arundel and South Downs MP Nick Herbert to discuss future defences needed to protect Arundel from flooding.

The talk was part of this month’s Arundel Flood Fair.

The event, which was attended by more than 75 residents, was organised by Mike De Lara, chairman of the Arundel Flood Risk Community Group, with backing from Arundel Town Council and Arun District Council.

The meeting, held in Arundel Town Hall, in Maltravers Street, was the first of its kind and was in response to wide-spread flooding which affected the town last December.

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