Bexhill GPs criticised for 'lack of response' to CQC advice

Albert Road SurgeryAlbert Road Surgery
Albert Road Surgery
Concerns have been raised about GP services in Bexhill after the Care Quality Commission (CQC) criticised a practice for 'a lack of response' to its advice.

Sidley Medical Practice, which runs both the Albert Road Surgery and the Sidley Surgery in Turkey Road, was rated ‘requires improvement’ by the health watchdog for a second time last month following an inspection visit in June. It had been given the same rating in August 2016, leading to the CQC giving advice on how to improve.

In a report published on July 28, the CQC said that while the practice had improved in some areas it had failed to ensure enough was done to address areas of concern highlighted in the 2016 report.

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The inspector said: “Governance arrangements had not identified [the] lack of response to the breaches of regulation identified in the previous inspection report findings.

“The practice failed to demonstrate that there was sufficient leadership capability and capacity to ensure governance systems were operated effectively.

“Specifically the practice had failed to act on all feedback within the last CQC inspection report of August 2016. [And] not ensured all staff understood the process for reporting, recording and acting on significant events.”

The report raises several other concerns about the leadership of the practice, and rated the practice as ‘inadequate’ in this aspect of its care.

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