
How to contact me: by telephone 01424 882037 or email: [email protected]

Are you managing to keep cool: It is quite tricky when the heat is soaring upwards. I hope you have too. Our Labrador loves ice cubes she literally begs for them. I do love it though, it is so wonderful not to put on a cardigan or coat to put the washing out and I have loved alfresco dining and sitting in the garden until late in the evening. It is so rare that we can do this that I have taken every opportunity. I hope you have too. Our Labrador loves ice cubes she literally begs for them.

Cookery Demonstration: ‘Cooking with Summer produce’ A selection of sweet and savory recipes celebrating the taste of Sussex; by Gill Potterton. It will take place on Wednesday 25 July from 2pm – 4pm in St George’s Church Room Brede, TN31 6HG Tickets are £15 each and places must be booked beforehand. Gill can be contacted on 07590 621015 or by email [email protected]

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Our Bell Ringers: had an exciting time last Thursday when the BBC recorded them playing. It is part of things happening 100 years after WW1. The producers also sent up a drone to photograph the Church from above and also take in the beautiful area. The programme may well have been aired before this edition goes to print.

The Trinity Methodist Church: opening of the wildlife garden at rear of their building was successful. A number of the Parish turned out as well as the School Children who will benefit from the area with it’s pond. The Parishioners will also benefit as there is a seat overlooking the beautiful countryside surrounding us, and everyone is welcome to go and use it.

Football’s not coming home: sadly but our young team did exceedingly well. Look out in the future! Meanwhile here in the Parish Dennis is looking forward to hearing from anyone interested in the following:- With all the football on the television of late, is there anybody who would like to play but feel they’re too old? If that’s the case, don’t despair because walking football may be the answer for you. Aimed at the over 50s, it’s football but at a walking pace. Indeed running is penalised by a blue card and a two minute suspension. Rules are set by the Walking Football Association. Over the UK there around 500 clubs and many more over the world. Teams comprise between 6 and 9 players. Videos of matches can be found on Youtube and there are many websites explaining the rules. We are hoping to form a team over the Brede/Broad Oak/Udimore area. Have we enough folk interested in getting together to discuss the formation of a team? Do give Denis Langley a call on 882046 (answerphone if he’s out) or email him at [email protected].

Friday 20 July: Brede Farmers Market is from 10am – 12 noon in Brede Village Hall. I bought some lovely plants last week and despite the weather they have been planted. I also managed to speak to all the people I needed to saving many phone calls.

WEA is in Udimore Community Hall at 11.30am.

Brede Short Mat Bowls at 7.30pm.

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Saturday 21 July: Emma’s Baby Princess Ballet for 3 to 6 year old children in Brede Village Hall at 10am.

The Hastings Welsh Society are holding their AGM at our home today at 2.30pm The Welsh flag will be flying.

Sunday 22 July: Last Sunday was the deadline for any material going into the Church Magazine for August and September. Please note it will be a double edition, please email Father Martin at once if you have not sent your piece in. [email protected] Church Services in the Parish are as follows: Father Anthony White conducts the Mass at 9.00am in St Theresa’s Catholic Church on the old Northiam Road. If you need to contact the Father his number is 01424 773125

At St George’s Church, a sung Family Eucharist will be held at 9.30am Father Martin can be reached on 01424 883408. The Church’s Website is http:/ other services held during the week is in the Church Parish Magazine.

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The Trinity Methodist Church service will be taken by the Reverend Peggy Heim at 10 .30am. The Reverend Peggy Heim is also the Pastoral Minister and can be contacted on 01424 42235

Monday 23 July: Pilates with Susan is at 9.15am in Udimore Community Hall and she can be contacted on 07858 518504

The Rainbows have finished for the summer holidays ,they meet from 4.15- 5.15pm, and they welcome girls aged between 5-7 years, Julie Piper can be contacted on 01424 883464 or mobile 07863 599537

The Brede Scout sections are now all closed for the summer holidays and will return in September. They hold their meetings in the Scout Hut Stubbs Lane. You may still contact the leaders if you wish you child to join in September.

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