Brenda's life of fame began on a city stage

Chichester remains a city dear to the heart of Oscar-nominated actress Brenda Blethyn as the place which gave her the encouragement to act.

Brenda, starring this week at Chichester Festival Theatre in Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie, says she's proud to have been a Chichester Player.

"I was working in an advertising agency in Chichester with my husband, who was a designer.

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"Being an actor never entered my head. Nothing was further from my thoughts."

She'd done some amateur dramatics in London: "I gave it all up to come down to Chichester, but I just straight way joined the Chichester Players.

"I think amateur dramatics are wonderful," says Brenda, who took part in a couple of productions with the Players including The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and was encouraged by the director to consider taking up acting professionally.

"I said 'Don't be silly! What, give up my good job to pursue a hobby!'

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