Dogs for the Disabled coffee morning

PARKHURST Hall was the venue for the Dogs For The Disabled coffee morning on Saturday.

Along with refreshments of teas and coffees, bargain hunters had the opportunity to purchase a variety of items which were for sale including videos, books, toys, bric a brac, cards, home-made cakes and scones, or to try their luck with the tombola or raffle.

Organiser of the event Jane Strickland is a dedicated supporter of the charity; so much so that she is planning a fund-raising challenge by way of a trek along the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, which consists of high altitude and steep terrain.

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She said: "It will be no easy task, however it will be a wonderful opportunity, and a unique experience. All I have to do now is get fit!"

Jane explained why she chose to raise money for Dogs for the Disabled.

She said: "The charity desperately needs to raise funds, to train puppies to be assisted dogs for disabled people across the UK, as there is an ever growing demand."

The coffee morning raised a grand total of 356 '“ which included some sponsorship for Jane's trek.

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