Fire service's 999 control centre '˜won't be affected' if joint agreement terminated

Fire & Rescue East Sussex SUS-150522-132511001Fire & Rescue East Sussex SUS-150522-132511001
Fire & Rescue East Sussex SUS-150522-132511001
The system handling 999 calls for East Sussex's fire and rescue service '˜will not be affected' if a joint agreement is terminated by West Sussex County Council.

A shared Sussex Control Centre has been in operation since May 2014, when the mobilising staff from East and West Sussex moved to a new facility at Haywards Heath.

The centre ran the two legacy systems for East and West providing 999 call handling and fire engine mobilisation across Sussex.

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However, in March, East Sussex Fire and Rescue moved to a new 999 control room system, which then encountered problems.

West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service was set to migrate on to the new system a few months later, but this may now no longer take place.

West Sussex County Council has informed East Sussex it wishes to end the commissioned delivery of the control room service and has served notice to initiate the 18-month notice period.