Fumes issue causes a stink at Warnham brick factory

AN ENVIRONMENTAL health officer visited a brick factory near North Horsham on Tuesday after residents complained about ‘a low level haze over the weekend’.

Adam Dracott, principle environmental health officer at Horsham District Council, said he soon discovered the cause of the haze to be a four inch hole in a chimney extractor fan at Wienerberger’s Warnham brick factory off Langhurstwood Road.

Mr Dracott confirmed to the County Times: “The fan has now been repaired

and that’s stopped the haze.”

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However, the officer warned there were other ongoing issues that needed to be resolved, including the replacement of a filter which involves major work to the chimney at a cost estimated by the company to be £300,000.

Wienerberger plans to carry out the work this Christmas, however, district councillor Christian Mitchell (Con, Holbrook West) said he would like to see the work carried out ‘without delay’.

He told the County Times: “I’m very concerned about the current situation with regard to this filter which is not fully operational in the way that it needs to be.

“The brickworks’ decision to wait until the factory closes at Christmas to change

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