Group calling on Eastbourne Council to address pedestrian safety

Protesters from Afoot Eastbourne, sign says, 'Shared Space Schemes are the biggest systematic institutionalised discrimination against blind people the UK has ever seen'Protesters from Afoot Eastbourne, sign says, 'Shared Space Schemes are the biggest systematic institutionalised discrimination against blind people the UK has ever seen'
Protesters from Afoot Eastbourne, sign says, 'Shared Space Schemes are the biggest systematic institutionalised discrimination against blind people the UK has ever seen'
An organisation has written an open letter calling on local authorities to invest in pedestrian safety in Eastbourne.

Afoot is lobbying Eastbourne Borough Council and East Sussex County Council to make footpaths more safe, particularly for disabled and older people.

It is a group of people concerned with the rise in ‘anti-social cycling’ who oppose shared spaces between both cyclists and pedestrians – and think cycling should be banned from the promenade.

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