Homeless man dedicates poem to local charity

Hope Kitchen guest and poet Sean SUS-160224-104823001Hope Kitchen guest and poet Sean SUS-160224-104823001
Hope Kitchen guest and poet Sean SUS-160224-104823001
A homeless man, helped to survive life on the streets by Hastings based Hope Kitchen, has put pen to paper to express his thanks to the charity in a moving poem.

People who find refuge at Hope Kitchen (a soup kitchen at Wellington Square Baptist Church that welcomes anyone over 18 to stave off the hunger with some soup and sandwiches, a hot drink and a chat on Thursday and Saturday evenings 7.30-9pm) are known as ‘guests’ by the volunteers who run it. Ealier this winter Sean, who had been sleeping rough, became one such guest after hearing about Hope Kitchen.

The welcome Sean recieved at the charity made such a possitive impact on his wellbeing that he was inspired to begin writing poetry. One of his poems, ‘Where there’s Hope’, gives a moving account of his experiences at Hope Kitchen and the effect on his life.

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