Hundreds gather to remember Shoreham Airshow tragedy

Hundreds of people gathered to mark the first anniversary of the Shoreham Airshow tragedy SUS-160822-145755001Hundreds of people gathered to mark the first anniversary of the Shoreham Airshow tragedy SUS-160822-145755001
Hundreds of people gathered to mark the first anniversary of the Shoreham Airshow tragedy SUS-160822-145755001
Hundreds of people gathered on the Old Toll Bridge Shoreham to remember the Shoreham Airshow tragedy on its first anniversary.

Family members, friends and members of the community gathered to pay their respects.

A minute’s silence was held at 1:22pm on the bridge where flowers, dedicated to the eleven men who died, were lain.

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Vicar Ann Waizeneker, of St Mary de Haura and the Church of the Good Shepherd, read out a prayer and the names of the eleven men who died.

Hundreds of people gathered to mark the first anniversary of the Shoreham Airshow tragedy SUS-160822-145755001Hundreds of people gathered to mark the first anniversary of the Shoreham Airshow tragedy SUS-160822-145755001
Hundreds of people gathered to mark the first anniversary of the Shoreham Airshow tragedy SUS-160822-145755001

Vicar Waizeneker said: “Its a really important thing to do, to mark this, at the time it happened and at this place, which is a focal point.

“I’m glad so many people are here. I hope it is of some comfort and help.”

A set of colourful balloons were released and the bells rang at St Nicolas’ church, where there was an opportunity to light a candle inside.

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The memorial ended as the families of the deceased released 11 white doves, which flew over the bridge and into the distance. Reverend Terry Stratford, associate priest, said: “It was a poignant moment, for me, the sight of the doves, flying high and free.

Hundreds of people gathered to mark the first anniversary of the Shoreham Airshow tragedy SUS-160822-145755001Hundreds of people gathered to mark the first anniversary of the Shoreham Airshow tragedy SUS-160822-145755001
Hundreds of people gathered to mark the first anniversary of the Shoreham Airshow tragedy SUS-160822-145755001

“It was quite moving.”

Several of the British Red Cross volunteers who were there on the day of the crash came to pay their respects.

Terry Alexander, one of the ambulance crew and a volunteer, said: “It’s been a difficult day, a lot of emotion, a lot of grief.

“There were some lovely tributes. The release of the balloons was the first bit for me where it was really emotional. The doves were a lovely touch.

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Hundreds of people gathered to mark the first anniversary of the Shoreham Airshow tragedy SUS-160822-145755001Hundreds of people gathered to mark the first anniversary of the Shoreham Airshow tragedy SUS-160822-145755001
Hundreds of people gathered to mark the first anniversary of the Shoreham Airshow tragedy SUS-160822-145755001

“Today has been part of the grieving process, but there’s a still a long way to go.”

Members of fire service, councillors and MPs also attended the memorial.

Louise Goldsmith, the leader of West Sussex County Council, said: “I am still very emotional about it all.

“I think it was important to have today because the families of the victims were able to see the support that they have received from the community.

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“Today was not just about the families, but for the people of Shoreham and surrounding areas to show their respect on this day.

“It is very difficult one year on from the day, but I think the community have been great and so supportive.

“It is a very emotional day for all involved but it was lovely to see the community come together and to see so many people here today.”

Tim Loughton, MP for East Worthing and Shoreham, said: “This is a very big and important day for, not only the families, but also the whole community as they pay their respects to those that lost their lives.