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I REMEMBER IT WELL: Do you ever get a feeling of lightness, of going back in time, to a moment when life seemed to hold enormous promise. I came face to face with such a moment this week, when I went to my Grandaughter's 14th birthday party. There she was in a pretty, apricot coloured dress. 'I've got heels too she said, [wedgies]. I remembered that giddy feeling, wearing a new dress, when all I had to worry about was whether my hair was going the way I wanted it to. A cheap Woolworth's lipstick was all it needed to change my world. My 11 year old granddaughter arrived from yet another party, where a little group had been allowed to spend an hour or so shopping in Primark. Imagine the joy! I remember being 21, and my flat mates bought me Carmen rollers and hid them on the top of the cistern. Those rollers were a Godsend, because otherwise it meant sleeping in rollers, which was closely akin to sleeping on a bed of nails .Memories such as owning perfume and that ghastly loose powder that you had to sweep under the bed in case your mum saw what a mess it made of the carpet. These memories pop up now and again, and are extremely precious, because sooner or later we will be the last to get ready, facing middle age, and subsequently old age, and young people will look at us as if we have no idea what it is to be young!

A SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION: There will be a service of Holy Communion, in Iden Parish Church, this Sunday, at 9.30am.

CREAM TEAS TO LOOK FORWARD TO: There is to be an afternoon of cream teas, in Iden village hall, on Saturday 25th June, 2016, from 2pm, until 5pm., at a charge of £3.50 per person. What could be nicer! There will be a raffle, and the promise of a good time.

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BINGO: There will be Bingo, in Iden village hall, on Thursday16th June. Doors open at 2pm. Eyes down at 2.30pm. There will be a raffle, a flier, a jackpot, and a light tea at half time.

THE POP-IN: There will be a Pop-In, on Monday 13th June, at 11am, in Iden village hall. It’s a lovely way to begin the week, with a nice get- together!

BRIC-A BRAC PLEASE: Bric-A- Brac is needed for the Iden Fete, for ‘Bargains Galore’. This is a very popular attraction, and Carol Bourne would be very grateful for anything other than electrical goods [please ring 01797-280-464], so that Carol can advise where to leave donations].

WHAT A DILEMMA!: My husband says he is not going up in the loft for 15 boxes of Christmas decorations any more [end of!] I don’t know if it’s his wonky knees, or whether he is feeling grumpy, but it’s left me at a loss. Are we at a crossroads in our lives? Here is a man who is normally still wearing his paper hat until the early hours of boxing morning, a man who quite happily peels the veg, and raids the garage for emergency chairs, snow or no snow. Maybe a little pre-Christmas counselling is in order, a drop of the hard stuff maybe before he ascends the loft ladder. I have six months to humour him. [Six months of steak and chips]. Maybe if he brought down two a month [staggered them] It would mean climbing over holly wreaths in July of co