
WHO INVITED YOU?: Are we noted for cobwebs around here? Certainly my house is noted for cobwebs. I’ve just had a purge on them. They just appear uninvited don’t they, and always when guests decide to look up and admire the coving. Who asks them in I ask myself. Of course spiders [air breathing arthropods] are the culprits. Well, I’ve had to Google ‘cobwebs’, just now, studying them in some depth, the same way that I’d investigate anyone who decided to come in uninvited in the dead of night. I needed to know a few personal details about cobwebs, these trails of gossamer, which show me up as the worst housewife in living history. This morning, I crawled on my hands and knees, the length and breadth of my lounge and dining area, which is mostly floorboards, and removed all kinds of dust and cobwebs which weren’t there yesterday. It’s amazing what you can find, when being at one with the under-side of a dining room chair. Then, [and I’m not the fittest person on the planet], I did all the ceilings with a brush. Of course, no one will visit now. We will be bereft of company until the cobwebs have once more been allowed to have a field day. I suppose a bit of consistency is the answer, a daily crawl on the floor with a duster. Oh, I have a mop but a pair of worn out knees and some elbow grease is so much more investigative!

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: The whole village awaits our Pantomime ‘Alibaba’, which is on 20th, and 21st March .The stage is to be erected, and additional rehearsals have been booked in Iden village hall., SO----An extra Bingo session was held yesterday in the village hall, to compensate for the fact that there will be NO Bingo, and NO Pop-In, during the week of 15th-22nd March. The next Pop-In will be on Monday 23rd March, at 11 am in the village hall, and then Bingo will follow on that week , and be on Thursday 26th March., in the village hall. Doors open at 2pm, eyes down at 2.30pm.

THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: The Parish Council meeting, on 3rd March, was fairly well attended. Michael Miller chaired the meeting, and began by announcing the death of Peter Reid, an Iden resident, who will be missed by many. Condolences go to Althea, Peter’s wife. Usually, Michael begins the meeting with good news, but he always remembers those Iden members who have died, as the void is felt by us all.

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The molehills in the Iden playing field continue to be prolific, and can render the ground hazardous to those using the playing field .It has been decided to continue to pay a mole-catcher, to try to keep the number of molehills to a minimum. Five visits a year are required, in order to try and tackle this problem. .

Holes in the playing field car park, are to be filled in where possible. They are caused, in all probability , by underground springs in the area, and therefore recur periodically. Potholes in general were discussed, and should be reported, if troublesome. The council do their best in these cash-strapped times, to keep hazards at bay.

The Annual Village Meeting will take place on Tuesday 24th March, in the village hall Anyone with any queries or concerns, is welcome to attend. Jackie Duffield will give a talk, on the subject of health matters. Minutes of the meeting can be seen on the village notice board, or on the village website[]

TONIGHT’S MEETING IN THE VILLAGE HALL: Tonight,[ Friday 13th March], the Iden And District Natural History Society are having a talk in village hall at 7.30pm, entitled ‘Swifts’, by Edward Mayer. Visitors are welcome. and pay £3.