Inquest finds '˜loved son' died after drug overdose

A '˜loved son' died of an overdose after taking heroin with a friend, an inquest into his death has ruled.

Paul Bromige, 37, of no fixed address, had battled with a drink and drug problem and died on June 7 at Worthing Hospital.

An inquest into his death was held at Centenary House, in Durrington, on August 31.

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Mr Bromige’s father, Thomas Bromige was present at the hearing and spoke of his relationship with his son.

He said: “He was a very loved son.

“At the age of around 18 to 20 he reached a rebellious stage and began drinking.

“I worked during the days so he had more contact with his mother at that time but he used to get drunk in the evenings.”

At the time of his death, Mr Bromige was homeless and spent his time with other homeless people.

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Detective sergeant Alex Lowe told the inquest: “Paul was with a friend of his on June 4 and together they bought £10 worth of heroin to split between them.

“Paul took the drug and collapsed to the ground of a public toilet and was taken to Worthing hospital where he died three days later.”

Results of a post mortem examination confirmed that Mr Bromige died of an hypoxic brain injury and bronchopneumonia caused by heroin and ethanol.

Coronor Schofield returned a conclusion of accidental death from a drug overdose.

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