
Northiam newsNorthiam news
Northiam news
Thank you: Please excuse a personal digression, but our daughter Jennie got married last Saturday and we had a wonderful day thanks in no small part to the generous support of people in Northiam '“ from Hairtique who fitted her in at the last minute, to the church flower arranging team who decorated the church so beautifully '“ and then ran up a couple of pedestals for the hall as well! Not to be outdone, our local vandals also joined in, killing all the plants in the pots we had planted to decorate the front of the village hall, and sloshing red diesel about. I understand that quite a bit of damage has been done to the village hall recently, so if anyone has any information, please let the Police or Parish Office know '“ if a village amenity is trashed, it affects us all. However, our day was perfect, so thank you to everyone for your good wishes.

Chitiwiri: Sally Bickersteth and her team raised a phenomenal £1126.50 with the annual garage sale for Chitiwiri. It is so exciting to see so much good being done, and all from stuff we don’t need any more! There will be another chance to grab a bargain at the Village Fair on 5th August.

Coffee & Chat: Pop into the Village Hall today (Friday) for the monthly Coffee Morning 9.30-11.30am.

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Dance Club: Our Sequence Dance Club meets in the Village Hall on Friday evenings. Call Tony (253287) to find out more – the evening is 7-10pm with a break for tea and chat.

Badminton: The two badminton clubs in the village are both happy to welcome occasional players, and open to all abilities. Fridays 8-10pm, and Mondays 5.45 -6.45pm in Pretious Sports Hall.

Ordination: A group of people from Northiam will be attending the Ordination Service for Jeff Tutton in Chichester Cathedral on Saturday. Very best wishes to Jeff and his family as he starts his new calling.

Table Sale: Northiam WI will be having a table sale in the Village Hall on Saturday morning, with bric a brac, new to you clothes, tombola, art, craft, books and toys, kitchenalia, gardening, cakes – and tea! 10 – 12 noon. There will be a voluntary collection at the door for the village hall car park fund.

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Toddlers: Northiam Tadpoles baby & toddler group meet every Tuesday 9.15 - 11.15am at Pretious Sports Hall, Main Street (the hall between the primary school and nursery.) The session is £2.50 per family (to cover costs) for age 0-5’s which includes a healthy snack for the children, drinks and biscuits for the parents/carers, there are lots of toys out for all ages and finishes with song time.

Coffee Morning: Oakside Residential Care Home would like to invite you to a coffee morning on Tuesday 4th July, 10.30am to 12.30pm Everyone is welcome, please come along and enjoy a free cup of tea or coffee, cakes, activities and a chat with some new and old friends.

Line Dancing: On Tuesdays we also have Line Dancing in the Village Hall at 10am. Call Helen (01797 252087) to find out more.

Over 60s: Music Therapy for heart and minds – so it says in the Parish Mag. I’m not sure if it’s a talk or an experience, but it looks like an interesting meeting. Pop along to the Village Hall at 2pm on Tuesday to take part.

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Thursday Seniors: Thursday Seniors’ Club meets every Thursday in Northiam Village Hall from 10.30am until 2.30pm. All pensioners are welcome, and free door to door transport can be arranged for anyone in Northiam, Beckley, Peasmarsh and Broad Oak if you are on the Rye Community Bus route. The cost is £7 and includes welcome tea/coffee, a freshly cooked 2 course meal, extend chair exercises and a talk/entertainment. Call Joan 252568, Jane 252973 or Linda 252283 to find out more as a member or a helper.

Bank: The NatWest mobile bank calls at the Village Hall car park each Thursday 1.15-2.15pm.

Village Fair: Bookings are being taken for the Village Fair and Boot Fair to be held on the Playing Fields on Saturday 5th August. Call Marie – 01797 253264 - to book a craft, charity or boot sale pitch.

10k Run: Northiam will be holding a 10k run on 17th September. The Bonfire Society have negotiated with Kent & East Sussex Railway and Bodiam Castle (National Trust) to hold an accurately measured road race with chip timing between the station and the castle. Generous sponsorship from Gardenscape and Bourne Sport has enabled us to commit to this great new event in the village calendar. Share the word and visit