OUT IN THE FIELD: Disappearing signs, vandalism and Langney eatery is knocked down

New signs for Eastbourne (Photo by Jon Rigby) SUS-170629-112459008New signs for Eastbourne (Photo by Jon Rigby) SUS-170629-112459008
New signs for Eastbourne (Photo by Jon Rigby) SUS-170629-112459008
News reaches me that several of the Welcome to Eastbourne signs (you know the ones, they advocated Breathe It In and became the butt of jokes and highly amusing in light of the August Bank Holiday toxic gas fiasco) which appeared on major routes into town have disappeared. There was one carefully placed by the Downs Golf Club, another at Willingdon and one I believe somewhere along the A259 road heading out of Pevensey Bay. The official line is the aforementioned signs have been removed due to the fact they were damaged recently in high winds and not, as some people wagered, that they only said '˜welcome' in one language.

I am not averse to tarring and feathering of thieves and ne’er do wells but some people are taking the act of vigilantism a step too far in the town centre and now in Roselands and Bridgemere too. Florist owner Nicola Roberts from Beau-k has been forced to offer a reward for information after her delivery van was constantly vandalised by people who don’t like her parking on the PUBLIC highway in Lower Meads. There are also ongoing problems with parked vehicles in roads in Roselands where a lack of parking spaces has become a contentious issue locally and as a result of this, a spate of criminal damages to connected vehicles has ensued, according to police. The majority of these vehicles, say officers, are owned by the same family for work or private use. Eastbourne Police are increasing patrols within the area and say they may use overt or covert tactics to catch the offender for the damage. The police go on to say that while investigating the criminal offences, officers are also looking at complaints of illegal parking which are being referred to the local authority as the relevant agency for parking issues in Eastbourne. Police say the changes will not be overnight and in the meantime will continue to monitor the area, and ask for members of the public to get in touch if they have any relevant information. Criminal damage to individual’s property will not be tolerated. So there you have it, leave it to the police and authorities to deal with.

I’ve been watching the demolition of Wicked Chicken in Priory Road the last few weeks as it’s knocked down to make way for houses. Like many others, I recall when it was Unwins off-licence too. How many other off-licences have gone the same way I wonder? Like Threshers in Seaside. Another sad sign of the times when independent stores are trodden underfoot by the big boys.

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