Chichester Jobcentre works with hospitality industry to fill thousands of vacancies

Chichester Jobcentre have spoke of their pride at working with the hospitality industry to fill thousands of vacancies in the city.
Chichester Jobcentre have spoke of their pride at working with the hospitality industry to fill thousands of vacancies in the city.Chichester Jobcentre have spoke of their pride at working with the hospitality industry to fill thousands of vacancies in the city.
Chichester Jobcentre have spoke of their pride at working with the hospitality industry to fill thousands of vacancies in the city.

In Chichester, the number of 18-24 on the ONS claimant count was reduced by 34 per cent since 2010 and claimants of all ages went down 19 per cent over the past 12 months.

Emma Wareham, Partnership Manager at Chichester Jobcentre said: “Jobcentres have had an extremely busy year, working hard, directly with employers to fill their vacancies with the right person.

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