A27: Chichester MP accused of 'sitting on the fence' over Northern bypass

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Liberal Democrat councillors have called on the county council, district council and Gillian Keegan MP to ensure A27 improvements are delivered.

After a massive community initiative to build a better A27 around Chichester, Government quango Highways England has rejected both options put forward by the people, the county council revealed on Thursday (December 20).

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People's A27 vision is rejected: Urgent meeting sought with Transport Secretary

Adrian Moss, leader of the Liberal Democrats group confirmed that he has written to Gillian Keegan MP, the leaders of West Sussex County Council and Chichester District Council.

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"With considerable commercial and housing development planned in the Chichester area over the coming years, the A27 must be improved. We must also consider how it fits into the bigger picture of transport in the District more generally."