‘Ninety’ - isn’t it time to tell the people of North Horsham who you are?

Who is 'Ninety'?Who is 'Ninety'?
Who is 'Ninety'?
The huge public controversy over massive development in North Horsham reaches its crescendo at a meeting of the district council on Wednesday (April 30) - and one person has staunchly defended it from the outset.

From the day the County Times’ first revealed the plan, the commentator ‘Ninety’ on this website has heaped praise on it - and roundly criticised detractors of the plan.

What sets ‘Ninety’ apart from other users of the site is not merely his support - he appears to be the only resident committed to it - but his unflagging enthusiasm.

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I say ‘he’. It could be a woman. But references to councillors by their surname only - such as ‘Mitchell’ - suggest otherwise.

Regular users have also noticed that the only stories he comments on are those linked to this development.

So who is the writer behind the alias ‘Ninety’?

Other commentators have given their real names - like Andrew Campbell (‘Motobiman’) and Sheila White.

But ‘Ninety’ remains a mystery.