South East households wasting hundreds of pounds a year

People in the South East waste more than £150 a year on binned food, a new study has found.

According to research conducted by Provident the yearly costs of wasted food from households is £182.

The financial service provider has surveyed more than 2000 adults to find out how much Brits spend on food, water, unused satellite TV, and other everyday items.

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The surveys found that woman in South East have more than three dresses which they never use, while ten per cent of residents are paying subscriptions without even knowing it.

When it comes to food, people in the south spend £70 each week on food shops. Around five per cent of that will be binned.

Youngsters are more likely to waste food with almost ten per cent of their weekly shop being thrown in the bin. The older generation meanwhile are the least wasteful with just under four per cent of their food going to waste.

Provident also found 16 per cent of people had purchased an item in the last month which they regret while 18 per cent are unsure about their monthly out goings.

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A spokesman for the company said: “As a consumer society, we spend more than we need but do you really know how much money you pour down the drain? Do you regularly use that gym pass? Do you watch these 54 extra TV channels? How long has it been since you’ve worn these shirts?

“As the saying goes ‘if you find the cause, you find the cure’.”

To find out how much you waste a year visit

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