
COMMUNITY NEWS & REVIEWS: A '˜Neighbourly Invite' has been received from Sedlescombe & District Garden Society (SDGS) who would like to say that they still have some tickets left for 'An Evening with Tom Hart Dyke' for Wednesday March 16th. T.V. personality Tom, heir to the family seat of Lullingstone Castle in nearby Eynsford, Kent, will be giving an illustrated talk on his vast horticultural experiences, which should prove to be a very interesting and varied programme. Tom is not only an English horticulturist and plant hunter, - he is also a well known author and has also presented an episode of 'The Great British Garden Revival' which was shown on BBC2 in 2013. He created the '˜World Garden of Plants' which is located at Lullingstone and which contains approximately 8,000 species of plants, many collected by him from their native environments. The story of this creation was also featured by BBC2 in a series entitled 'Save Lullingstone Castle' back in 2006. This entertaining event will take place at Sedlescombe Village Hall and the cost of the tickets will be £5:00 per person - naturally SDGS members are free ! Doors will open at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start. Refreshments will be provided, as well as a raffle with some really good prizes. A lot of interest has already been shown for this event, so to avoid disappointment, please reserve your ticket(s) by contacting Sue Parsons on 01580~831996. A warm welcome awaits you all.

SPRING CLEANING at ST. JAMES: Is your house always ‘Spick & Span’ ?, - Is dusting and polishing a passion of yours ? Or are you never happier as when you have a hoover in your hand ? - Or would you just like to show a little kindness, help some-one out and do a good deed ?. Well, if you can answer yes to any of these questions, then St. James the Great needs you ! Willing, working hands, - of any size, are urgently required for the annual Spring Clean of this beloved church of ours. Taking place on Saturday March 19th. from 9.30am, at the church, in Ewhurst Green, - help of any kind in carrying out this little task would be so very gratefully received. You don’t have to stay for hours, as even half an hour will make a great difference to the team, - as the old adage “Many Hands Make Light Work”, will be so very true in this case - the aim is to ‘refresh the parts that are not usually reached’, and the more hands to help do this, will make this little chore, all the more pleasant and easier for everyone. Coffee will be provided, - so please just turn up on the day. Come for a long time, or a little time, whatever time you can spare really will make a huge difference. To find out just what is involved, why not telephone Ruth on 01580~831918 for more details.

EASTER LILIES at ST. JAMES: Easter is a special time of the year for many people, for many reasons. An appeal has been made via Ana West for donations towards the Easter Lilies which will be placed under the altar of St. James the Great, at Ewhurst Green at Easter. By tradition, they are given in memory of a loved one. We will have a basket on the altar in the side chapel (St. Stephen’s) together with a small arrangement for anyone who would like to place a card with names of those they wish to be remembered. A £5:00 donation would be very welcome and so very gratefully received. Please give donations to either Jo Goodwin or Ana West, or pop it into our letterboxes, in an envelope with your name, at 3, Snaggs Hall, Ewhurst Green or Rother View, Ewhurst Green, respectively. Thank you.

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