'˜We need to learn from Blue Planet and China'... Firm respond to incinerator concerns

Wealden Brickworks.

GV of Wealden Brickworks were there are plans for a controversal waste incinerator site.

Langhurst Road, North Horsham, Sussex.

Picture : Liz Pearce 12/10/2016
LP1601109 SUS-161210-145940008Wealden Brickworks.

GV of Wealden Brickworks were there are plans for a controversal waste incinerator site.

Langhurst Road, North Horsham, Sussex.

Picture : Liz Pearce 12/10/2016
LP1601109 SUS-161210-145940008
Wealden Brickworks. GV of Wealden Brickworks were there are plans for a controversal waste incinerator site. Langhurst Road, North Horsham, Sussex. Picture : Liz Pearce 12/10/2016 LP1601109 SUS-161210-145940008
The firm behind plans to create an incinerator in Horsham has said '˜there are lessons to be learnt from Blue Planet and China'.

Britaniacrest Recycling has put forward proposals to create a new a 24-hour Recycling, Recovery and Renewable energy facility at the former Wealden brickworks in Langhurstwood Road.

The plans have faced backlash from residents who have raised concerns around pollution, recycling and the impact of the building on the countryside.

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In response a spokesman for Britaniacrest said this week: “David Attenborough’s Blue Planet had a remarkable impact in raising awareness of the amount of plastic waste there is floating around our seas.

“This waste has been put there due to somebody discarding it in the first place - according to Britaniacrest Recycling, because there are just not enough proper facilities to collect it and reprocess it around the world – including in the UK.

“The UK has never been at the top of the league in recycling, but has on the face of it made some good progress, with recycling across the country lately averaging around 45 per cent of the household waste produced.

“Recently, however, even this progress has come under threat, and there is now the prospect of recyclable waste accumulating within the country with nowhere for it to go, because