'˜White witch' is seeking ghostbusters

Halloween is fast approaching and a local white witch is appealing for ghostbusters to join him in his quest to search out supernatural activity across Sussex.

Kevin Carlyon, 58, who lives in St Leonards on Sea says he doesn’t see Halloween, or All Hallows Eve, as any different to any other day of the year, except it’s a good excuse for some to dress up and scare people banging on the door for Trick or Treat. “Halloween is a time for fun not fear, he said, adding: “It is said to be a Christian festival originally taken from the Pagan Festival of Samhain.”

As well as being a White Witch Kevin is also a Tarot Reader and Paranormal Investigator. “My black cat Dr Fluff can’t talk like Salam in ‘Sebrina the Teen Age Witch’ and I can’t wriggle my nose like Samantha in ‘Bewitched’ but I do have a track record of spells that really do work,” he said.

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With the spooky side in mind Kevin says Halloween is the perfect time to appeal for people who are interested in visiting supposed haunted sites, inside and out and in all weather conditions.

He said: “Most vigils result in absolutely nothing happening but when something does it is spectacular, particularly when things start flying around the room!”