Sexual offences in Mid Sussex reach record high

PICTURE POSED BY MODEL. A woman shelters looking scared on a bed.PICTURE POSED BY MODEL. A woman shelters looking scared on a bed.
PICTURE POSED BY MODEL. A woman shelters looking scared on a bed.
Police-recorded sexual offences have reached a record high in Mid Sussex, new figures show.

Police-recorded sexual offences have reached a record high in Mid Sussex, new figures show.

As the total number of reported sex offences peaked across England and Wales, charities have urged the Government to do more to protect victims who feel unsupported by the criminal justice system.

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Office for National Statistics figures show Sussex Police recorded 298 sexual offences in Mid Sussex in the year to March – up from 195 last year and the highest number since records began in 2003.

The number of sexual offences reported to the force has more than tripled since that year, when 94 crimes were logged.

Across England and Wales, 194,683 sexual offences were reported in 2021-22 – a 32% increase on the year prior and also a record high.

Reported sexual offences have increased more than three-fold in the last decade, though the impact of high-profile cases and campaigns on victims’ willingness to report incidents is a factor, the ONS said.

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